(Paintings of pictorial ideographs)
(Paintings of pictorial ideographs)
(Paintings of pictorial ideographs)
Korean Folk Art
Collection Items
Pictorial Ideographs (Munjado) of the Eight Confucian Virtues
Mounted on each side of this screen are unrelated paintings: on one side is a set of the eight Confucian virtues, and on the other a Mongolian hunting scene. Pictorial Ideographs (Munjado) of the Eight Confucian Virtues In pictorial ideographs,…
Hwajo Munjado
화조문자도 8폭 병풍(花鳥文字圖八幅屛風)
This eight panel paintings shows combination of Hwajodo and Munjado. Top parts are flowers and birds painting and bottom parts are eight Chinese characters of Confucius virtues.
화조(花鳥)와 문자(文字)를 함께 그려 놓은 그림. 지본채색(紙本彩色). 8폭 병풍(세로 170.7, 가로 356).…
화조(花鳥)와 문자(文字)를 함께 그려 놓은 그림. 지본채색(紙本彩色). 8폭 병풍(세로 170.7, 가로 356).…